It is in silence where the most evil things are done

Yauhenia Dougaya is a journalist focused on social issues and investigations. Since 2018, she has been engaged in social journalism, writing about domestic violence, LGBTQ+, homelessness, and political prisoners. In 2018, Yauhenia was awarded the 1st Prize at »Journalists for Tolerance« competition organzied by J4T AWARDS (Ukraine) for her material about Belarusian LGBT teenagers. A year later, she received the same award for an article on the HIV.
In 2019, Yauhenia Dougaya completed a journalistic training held by »Detector-Media« (Kyiv, Ukraine) which helped her to form the professional ground in war journalism.
Fleeing the repressions, Yauhenia moved to Kyiv in 2020. Together with Ukrainian journalist Lesya Ganzha, she launched »Politvyazynka« project–an initiative aimed spreading information about women political prisoners in Belarus.
In March 2022, Dougaya had to leave Ukraine due to the war. She is currently based in Warsaw, Poland.